Monday, December 7, 2015

Armor of God Online Bible Study | Week Five

Armor of God Online Bible Study | Week Five

Armor of God Online Bible Study | Week Five

Posted: 06 Dec 2015 11:26 PM PST



The truth of God is what makes having faith in God worth it.  Priscilla Shirer

Life is full of adventures, opportunities for building our faith as well as for God to move on our behalf.  Some of my biggest adventures have begun in the simplest of ways.   For example, this week I had to make a trip into town.  The only road that leads into town from where we live is under construction and is often backed up for miles.  This particular day I was  running low on gasoline and had to get into town for a meeting.  Now, I can’t even count the times that God has stretched the gasoline in my tank miles and miles past empty.   Stuck in traffic with no where to go and nothing to do, I began to pray for my family and friends.  The fuel light flickered on and off.  It was at that very moment I knew God would do something special, and I was not disappointed.  When the fuel light came on I had faith God was going to take care of me.  This is where the rubber meets to road so to speak.  Eventually, my car coasted into the gas station a good 30 minutes after the fuel light came on.  For me, it was nothing less than a miracle that I wasn’t stranded on the road holding a gas can.

Faith comes from hearing God’s Word and acting upon it.  Take a moment and think about some of the things you have had to have faith for in the last few months.  Do you feel that these experiences have caused you to grow in your understanding of God’s love and care for you?

Assignment For the Week

  • Write a Prayer Strategy Card for the New Year.  Take your time as you form this special card.  Consider creating a new devotional journal for 2016 and placing this card in the front of your new journal.
  • Make sure you attend a small group  this week.
  • Read Week Six:  The Helmet of Salvation in your member book.
  • If you are watching the videos, watch Session Six available through Lifeway (not required for participation in the study)

Discussion Questions- Answer in your small group or post a comment below

  1. Have you been able to keep up with writing out your Prayer Strategies?   And if so, what have you learned through that process?
  2. What are some areas of your life where you need to be on the offensive instead of the defensive, taking back ground from the enemy?
  3. How is the truth of your faith reflected in your actions and attitudes?
  4. What has been the greatest challenges to your faith?  When have you seemed to be your strongest in your faith?
  5. Think back to the difficult person or circumstances you wrote down in the oval during week one of our study. What, if any, connection do you see between the step of faith God is asking you to take and that situation?

Faith is when you act like God is telling you the truth.  Priscilla Shirer

With Love,


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