Wednesday, August 26, 2015

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

'Fountain of youth' protein points to possible human health benefit

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:07 PM PDT

Individuals previously diagnosed with heart disease may be less likely to experience heart failure, heart attacks, or stroke, or to die from these events, if they have higher blood levels of two very closely related proteins, according to a new study.

Study validates monkey model of visual perception

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:05 PM PDT

A new study shows that humans and rhesus monkeys have very similar abilities in recognizing objects "at a glance," validating the use of this animal model in the study of human visual perception. In the study humans and monkeys not only demonstrated similar ease in recognizing objects in varied positions and landscapes, but both species also tended to make the same errors.

Paramedic care delivered on-scene for 10-35 minutes leads to better outcomes

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:01 PM PDT

In the largest paediatric cardiac arrest study to date, a team of researchers found that survival was the highest, especially among teens, with 10 to 35 minutes on the scene in the care and under the treatment of paramedics. The study also found that improved survival was associated with intravenous access and fluid administration, whereas advanced airway attempts and resuscitation drugs were not.

Many parents unaware of e-cigarette dangers to children

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:00 PM PDT

Many parents and guardians who use e-cigarettes are not aware of the dangers they pose to children, according to a new study.

Algorithm helps identify elusive genes that express like clockwork

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:00 PM PDT

An algorithm is giving scientists a new way to identify the dynamics of oscillatory genes, which play an essential role in development functions like cell division, circadian rhythms and limb formation.

Quitting smoking after heart attack gives quick boost to mental health, quality of life

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:00 PM PDT

A new study shows that quitting smoking after a heart attack has immediate benefits, including less chest pain, better quality of daily life and improved mental health. Many of these improvements became apparent as little as one month after quitting and are more pronounced after one year, according to the research.

Vegetation essential for limiting city warming effects

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 05:59 PM PDT

According to a new study that makes the first assessment of urbanization impacts for the entire continental United States, the presence of vegetation is an essential factor in limiting urban heating.

Batting practice in the genome

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 05:59 PM PDT

In the biochemical game of genetics, it was thought that the proteins controlling gene regulation in animals were either spectators or players. But scientists have now found that spectator proteins are actually practicing up for the big game.

Developing a new tool to detect a frequently missed sex chromosome disorder in boys

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 05:59 PM PDT

Klinefelter syndrome is the most common disorder of the male sex chromosomes, yet is rarely diagnosed in children. A new assessment tool is being developed to help pediatricians detect the physical traits of the syndrome.

Experimental post-exposure antiviral treatment may protect humans from Ebola virus

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 05:59 PM PDT

For the first time, physicians have demonstrated that antiviral-based therapies have the potential to protect humans from the deadly Ebola virus. The report describes a case-series of eight British health-care workers who were evacuated to the Royal Free Hospital in London, UK after possible accidental exposure to Ebola virus in Sierra Leone between January and March 2015.

'Targeted punishments' against countries could tackle climate change

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 05:59 PM PDT

Targeted punishments could provide a path to international climate change cooperation, new research in game theory has found.

Chocolate physics: How modeling could improve 'mouthfeel'

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 05:58 PM PDT

Lecithin plays a vital role in the production of chocolate and many other foods. It's never been clear how this ingredient works on a molecular level, and confectioners have relied on observational methods -- essentially trial and error -- to perfect their recipes. Now, scientists have shown how the field of molecular dynamics could be a valuable tool in understanding chocolate conching -- the part of the chocolate-making process where aromatic sensation, texture and 'mouthfeel' are developed.

Friends' online influence increases ecommerce purchases 60 percent

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 01:13 PM PDT

A study on peer influence in ecommerce shows a 60 percent higher chance of buying an online service if it's purchased by friends.

Study in bats and rodents offers insights on how viruses spread across species

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 12:58 PM PDT

Bats are natural reservoirs of several important emerging viruses, and because cross-species transmission appears to be quite common among bats, it's important to study bats in a community context rather than concentrating on individual species.

Longer colonoscopies linked to lower cancer rate

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 12:58 PM PDT

Research by a Veterans Affairs team has confirmed that longer-lasting colonoscopies -- those with a longer 'withdrawal time' -- are associated with lower cancer rates.

Adverse effects of common prostate enlargement and hair growth drugs

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 12:58 PM PDT

Twenty-five percent of men currently taking Finasteride or Dutasteride, popularly known as Proscar and Avodart, for the treatment of benign prostate enlargement, appear not to benefit from taking these medications. Those prescribed Propecia or Avodart for male pattern hair loss (known as alopecia) are also at risk for adverse events elicited by these drugs.

Adaptive mutation mechanism may explain some forms of antibiotic resistance

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 11:39 AM PDT

Evolutionary theory says mutations are blind and occur randomly. But in the phenomenon of adaptive mutation, cells can peek under the blindfold, increasing their mutation rate in response to stress. Scientists have observed that an apparent 'back channel' for genetic information called retromutagenesis can encourage adaptive mutation to take place in bacteria.

Less may be more in slowing cholera epidemics

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 11:39 AM PDT

An oral cholera vaccine that is in short supply could treat more people and save more lives in crisis situations, if one dose were dispensed instead of the recommended two, new research suggests.

Genetic study finds association between reduced vitamin D and multiple sclerosis risk

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 11:39 AM PDT

Genetic findings support observational evidence that lower vitamin D levels are associated with increased risk of multiple sclerosis, according to a new research article.

Opioid receptor gene variations associated with neonatal abstinence syndrome severity

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 11:13 AM PDT

A new study indicates that variations in opioid receptor genes are associated with more severe neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) in newborn babies. The findings could help lead to the development of individualized treatment plans tailored to each infants' risk of requiring medication to curb their NAS symptoms, which could help improve these patients' outcomes and reduce how long some stay in the hospital.

Glitter from silver lights up Alzheimer's dark secrets

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 11:13 AM PDT

Scientists have caught a glimpse of the elusive toxic form of the Alzheimer's molecule, during its attempt to bore into the outer covering of a cell decoy, using a new method involving laser light and fat-coated silver nano-particles.

Sequencing of barley genome achieves new milestone

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 11:13 AM PDT

Barley, a widely grown cereal grain commonly used to make beer and other alcoholic beverages, possesses a large and highly repetitive genome that is difficult to fully sequence. Now scientists have reached a new milestone on sequencing the barley genome. The researchers have sequenced large portions of the genome that together contain nearly two-thirds of all barley genes.

Slower response to confrontation can slash violent crime arrests for some youth

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 10:34 AM PDT

The ability to think fast and respond quickly to a situation generally is considered advantageous and indicative of a nimble mind. But automatic responses, particularly among young, disadvantaged youth, often are used in ill-suited situations and can lead to violence and crime.

Rare nautilus sighted for the first time in three decades

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 10:28 AM PDT

In early August, a biologist returned from the South Pacific with news that he encountered an old friend, one he hadn't seen in over three decades. The professor had seen what he considers one of the world's rarest animals, a remote encounter that may become even more infrequent if illegal fishing practices continue.

Promising target for new drugs found in pancreatic cancer cells

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 10:28 AM PDT

Pancreatic cancer is extremely deadly and often has a poor prognosis. Researchers are on a mission to develop drugs that will allow physicians to prolong patient survival and, possibly, even eradicate this deadliest of cancers.

Ocean currents: Debut of the global mix-master

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 10:27 AM PDT

The Atlantic Circumpolar Current encircles Antarctica with a constant eastward flow in the Southern Ocean. Researchers determined that it originated 30 million years ago, several million years after the tectonic opening of a deep-water channel in the Tasmanian gateway. The Tasmanian gateway was initially the conduit for westward current flow, but as the gateway migrated north tectonically, it eventually aligned with the mid-latitude westerly winds and effected the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

Predicting who will murder his wife or his family

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:58 AM PDT

Murderers who kill intimate partners and family members have a significantly different psychological and forensic profile from murderers who kill people they don't know, reports a new study. The new knowledge about murderers who commit spontaneous domestic homicide -- emotionally driven crimes -- could enable early intervention to prevent the homicide. One-third of all women murdered in U.S. are killed by male partners.

Mental visual imaging training improves multiple sclerosis patients' well-being

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:58 AM PDT

Patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RR-MS), the most common form of the disease, often have deficits in two neuropsychological functions, autobiographical memory (AM) and episodic future thinking (EFT), which impact quality of life. Researchers now report that training RR-MS patients in mental visual imagery can improve AM/EFT functioning.

Disabilities: Playing adaptive sports linked to higher employment, economic impact

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:58 AM PDT

A new study finds playing an adaptive sport can have dramatic results on the athlete and the economy.

Injectable cryogel-based whole-cell cancer vaccines

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:58 AM PDT

New research could potentially yield a new platform for cancer vaccines. Leveraging a biologically inspired sponge-like gel called 'cryogel' as an injectable biomaterial, the vaccine delivers patient-specific tumor cells together with immune-stimulating biomolecules to enhance the body's attack against cancer.

Mimic woodpecker fools competing birds, but genetics expose its true identity

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:58 AM PDT

Visual mimicry lets the helmeted woodpecker (Dryocopus galeatus) live on the threatened Atlantic forest turf of two bigger birds -- the lineated Dryocopus lineatus and robust (Campephilus robustus) woodpeckers -- reducing the likelihood of being displaced in an area of foraging.

School lunch study: Visual proof kids are tossing mandated fruits and veggies in trash

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:58 AM PDT

Less than a month before Congress votes on whether to reauthorize a controversial program mandating healthier school lunches, a new study confirms the suspicions of school officials -- many students are putting the fruits and vegetables they're now required to take straight into the trash, consuming fewer than they did before the law took effect.

Cartoons reveal attitudes toward parenting

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:57 AM PDT

Researchers have tapped a novel data source to track changing attitudes toward parenting during the 20th and early 21st centuries: cartoons in the New Yorker magazine.

Single-crystal phosphors suitable for ultra-bright, high-power white light sources

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:51 AM PDT

Researchers in Japan successfully developed single-crystal phosphors that use a blue LD (laser diode) as an excitation light source, are suitable for ultra-bright, high-power white lighting, and have outstanding temperature characteristics.

Ebola virus can survive in wastewater

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:50 AM PDT

The latest discovery by a group of microbial risk-assessment and virology researchers suggests that the procedures for disposal of Ebola-contaminated liquid waste might underestimate the virus' ability to survive in wastewater.

Technology won't replace collaboration among students

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:50 AM PDT

Students heading back to school can always count on one thing: Technology will be a little bit more advanced than it was last year. After all, 21st century learning experiences are increasingly enhanced by gadgets and software, and the ability to plug into worlds beyond the classroom. Even so, technology is no substitute for everyday student engagement and collaboration among students, researchers find.

415-million-year-old malformed fossil plankton reveal that heavy metal pollution might have contributed to some of the world's largest extinction events

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:50 AM PDT

Several Palaeozoic mass extinction events during the Ordovician and Silurian periods (ca. 485 to 420 to million years ago) shaped the evolution of life on our planet. Although some of these short-lived, periodic events were responsible for eradication of up to 85 percent of marine species, the exact kill-mechanism responsible for these crises remains poorly understood.

Delay in administration of adrenaline and survival for children with cardiac arrest

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:50 AM PDT

Among children with in-hospital cardiac arrest with an initial nonshockable heart rhythm who received epinephrine (adrenaline), delay in administration of epinephrine was associated with a decreased chance of 24-hour survival and survival to hospital discharge.

Misconduct-related separation from the military linked with risk of being homeless

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:50 AM PDT

Among US veterans who returned from Afghanistan and Iraq, being separated from the military for misconduct was associated with an increased risk of homelessness.

Effect of physical activity on cognition

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:50 AM PDT

Researchers evaluated whether a 24-month physical activity program would result in better cognitive function, lower risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia, or both, compared with a health education program.

Relapse, poor survival in leukemia linked to genetic mutations that persist in remission

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:12 AM PDT

For patients with an often-deadly form of leukemia, new research suggests that lingering cancer-related mutations -- detected after initial treatment with chemotherapy -- are associated with an increased risk of relapse and poor survival. Using genetic profiling to study bone marrow samples from patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), researchers found that those whose cells still carried mutations 30 days after the initiation of chemotherapy were about three times more likely to relapse and die than patients whose bone marrow was cleared of these mutations.

No benefit of omega-3 supplements for cognitive decline, study shows

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:12 AM PDT

While some research suggests that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can protect brain health, a large clinical trial found that omega-3 supplements did not slow cognitive decline in older persons. With 4,000 patients followed over a five-year period, the study is one of the largest and longest of its kind.

Estimating the cost of flooding for communities around estuaries

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:12 AM PDT

Scientists have developed a new visualization tool to predict the maximum cost of coastal flooding to communities around estuaries.

Pregnancy is a missed opportunity for HIV-infected women to gain control over condition

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:11 AM PDT

Pregnancy could be a turning point for HIV-infected women, when they have the opportunity to manage their infection, prevent transmission to their new baby and enter a long-term pattern of maintenance of HIV care after giving birth --- but most HIV-infected women aren't getting that chance.

'Lazy eye' may bully the brain into altering its wiring

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:11 AM PDT

As the brain develops its preference for the dominant eye's input, it alters its connections to the weaker eye, according to a new study.

Smart phone not a smart choice when facing depression

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:11 AM PDT

Depressed people who turn to their smart phones for relief may only be making things worse. A team of researchers found that people who substitute electronic interaction for the real-life human kind find little if any satisfaction.

Biophysicists take small step in quest for 'robot scientist'

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:11 AM PDT

Biophysicists have taken another small step forward in the quest for an automated method to infer models describing a system's dynamics -- a so-called robot scientist.

Hepatitis A-like virus identified in seals

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 08:11 AM PDT

Scientists have discovered a new virus in seals that is the closest known relative of the human hepatitis A virus. The finding provides new clues on the emergence of hepatitis A.

Quantum diffraction at a breath of nothing

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:32 AM PDT

Quantum physics tell us that even massive particles can behave like waves, as if they could be in several places at once. This phenomenon is typically proven in the diffraction of a matter wave at a grating. Researchers have now carried this idea to the extreme and observed the delocalization of molecules at the thinnest possible grating, a mask milled into a single layer of atoms.

A community of soil bacteria saves plants from root rot

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:32 AM PDT

Root bacteria are known to form symbiotic relationships with plants by improving the plants' supply of nutrients. Yet as scientists found recently, the bacteria actually play a much more profound role. During field experiments in Utah, in the western USA, researchers discovered that the right mixture of soil microbiota directly influences the survival of Nicotiana attenuata, a species of wild tobacco.

Flu remedies help combat E. coli bacteria

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:31 AM PDT

If the intestinal bacteria level becomes unbalanced, it can cause diseases. Physiologists now reveal how a specific carbohydrate in the intestinal mucosa heavily multiplies certain E. coli bacteria and thus causes inflammations. These could be treated with flu remedies, which opens up new therapeutic possibilities.

Patients with abnormally fast heart rhythms to benefit from modification of treatment

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:31 AM PDT

New research shows that a modification to the Valsalva maneuver, used to treat people with an abnormally high heart rate, can increase its effectiveness by more than a quarter.

Lemon juice disinfects against human norovirus

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:31 AM PDT

Citric acid may prevent the highly contagious norovirus from infecting humans, scientists discovered. Therefore, lemon juice could be a potentially safe and practical disinfectant against the most common pathogen of severe gastrointestinal infections.

Drones used to track wildlife

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:31 AM PDT

Researchers have developed a world-first radio-tracking drone to locate radio-tagged wildlife.

Women undergoing fertility treatment can succeed with fewer hormones

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:31 AM PDT

New research provides hope that women undergoing fertility treatment can avoid unpleasant hormonal gel by having their own body produce pregnancy hormones.

Making a mistake can be rewarding, study finds

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:31 AM PDT

The human brain learns two ways - either through avoidance learning, which trains the brain to avoid committing a mistake, or through reward-based learning, a reinforcing process that occurs when someone gets the right answer. Scientists have found that making a mistake can feel rewarding, though, if the brain is given the opportunity to learn from its mistakes and assess its options.

Determining atomic structure of the abiological molecule cyanostar

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 07:31 AM PDT

Researchers combined the power of two computational programs to determine the atomic structure of the abiological molecule cyanostar. This breakthrough will allow researchers to investigate the structure of more abiological molecules, which are relatively unknown.

Cashiers may have higher risk for BPA exposure than general population from handling printed receipts

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:50 AM PDT

The use of Bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic has been on the decline amid growing concerns that the compound's estrogen-mimicking properties may cause dangerous hormonal disruptions. Despite the reduction, BPA remains a ubiquitous substance, found in thousands of products. Cashiers who frequently handle thermal printed receipts may be exposed to higher levels of BPA than the general population. For the first time, researchers are studying this workforce segment to measure how their exposure may differ from that of the general population.

Keep your dogs out of warm lakes: Pythiosis risk

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:50 AM PDT

Animals, including dogs and horses, can contract pythiosis from swimming spores. About 10 cases of humans getting sick from this disease have also been reported in the U.S.

Young black women have a higher frequency of BRCA mutations than previously reported

Posted: 25 Aug 2015 06:50 AM PDT

Researchers recently conducted the largest U.S. based study of BRCA mutation frequency in young black women diagnosed with breast cancer at or below age 50 and discovered they have a much higher BRCA mutation frequency than that previously reported among young white women with breast cancer.

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