Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Faith Dare Christmas | Week 2

Faith Dare Christmas | Week 2

Faith Dare Christmas | Week 2

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 09:11 AM PST

Come and join us for a 30 day Faith Dare with Debbie Alsdorf! Our focus is spending devotional time each day focused on the importance of Christmas. We had a great deal of fun last week in our Wednesday night live Facebook event!

faith dare christmas

Faith Dare Christmas Study

Faith Dare Christmas via Facebook

Join Christine Abraham, Stasia Nielsen, and Sonya Nelson each week as we fellowship and have an informal Faith Dare conversation online.We meet on the "Event page" Wednesday Nights at 6PM Pacific, 7PM Mountain, 8PM Central, 9PM Eastern. Put a reminder on your smartphone with a repeat alarm. Let's celebrate with Christmas JOY.

Faith Dare Christmas Week 2 Message From Debbie Alsdorf

Ten Dares. Ten themes. Ten steps of obedience. Still three things running through my thoughts today…

Time. Make time to pray and seek. Yes, I know it’s important, but I need to be reminded.

Connection. Make sure there is not a kink in the cord and every prong is plugged into the power source.

Mind. After time and connection, the rest of the day revolves around where my mind is camped out.

All three are easy to talk about but harder to practice. Each of us have habits of living that must be addressed and challenged. Change doesn’t happen with one day’s dare. One day gives a taste of the victory and life change that can happen with focused living. Lasting change happens with choices made one day at a time, over a long period of time.

I like this quote that I found by Rick Warren on an internet devotional: " Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth. Spiritual maturity is neither instant nor automatic; it is gradual, progressive development that will take the rest of your life. God is far more interested in who you are than in what you do. We are human beings, not human doings. You must make a countercultural decision to focus on becoming more like Jesus. Otherwise other forces like peers, parents, co-workers, and the culture will try to mold you into their image."

These dares are choice prompters to make that counter cultural turn in many different practical areas.

Why counter cultural? Because we are bombarded, whether we realize it or not, to live for instant gratification, feelings based results and quick fixes. A current magazine cover promises I will find 122 quick changes for health, body, home and happiness. I must admit, I am a sucker for this stuff. It also promises that I can lose thirty pounds without even trying and redo any room in the house in just forty-eight hours. I like the promises. Unfortunately promises for quick fixes leave us hopeless in the end.

The Apostle Paul held out real promises.

"Being confident of this, He who began a good work in you will complete it" Phil 1:6

This is a promise I can count on, sink my heart into, and not be disappointed in.

The other promise I can count on is in Day 9—that God gives good gifts to His children. When my prayers are not answered in a snap, when two weeks turns into two months or two years—has God been unfaithful? No, the truth is, His timing is perfect and he will not give me, or you, the snake instead of the bread. ( Matthew 7:7-11) If we could wrap our lives around that truth principle we would frame each of our unanswered prayers much differently.  We must realize that some of what we want would not be God’s best for us, or the timing that we want it in,would not be good for us.

This brings me to one last thing….our minds….. Dare 10 is a pivotal point in our journey together. "Bad thoughts are like flies. They dog us, change the way we view things, and come in like a swarm to discourage us."  Oh, Jesus give us grace to guard our minds!

Can I pray for you, for me, for those who will be touched by the ripple effect of this Faith Dare?


I am asking you in Jesus name to do within us something supernatural. Take your word and make it real to us in ways that apply to us as individual women whom you love. You know our hearts, lives and circumstances. You know our needs, fears and failures. You stand with arms outstretched bidding us to come to you. Give us the courage each day of this Faith Dare to take a step in your direction. If we are having problem with finding time, show us how. If we forget to connect in the morning, remind us. When our mind is drifting into the negative places of fear and doubt—bring us around to focus. And, Jesus may we be so touched in this fasting of self, that your light shines in us in a way that ripples love and hope to all whom are in our personal ponds. Make our waters fresh with grace and our lives filled with love. We love you and want more of you! Amen

Praying for you my dear Faith Sisters!

Living as His,

Debbie Alsdorf

Debbie Alsdorf

Assignment For This Week

  • Read the daily dares in the Faith Dare book

Group Discussion- Join the live event Wednesday nights at 6PM Pacific, 7PM Mountain, 8PM Central, 9PM Eastern:

If you are unable to attend the live events each week, post your comments below.

  1.  On page 55 Debbie Alsdorf says "We have a choice each day; we have to come and follow. He is the miracle worker but we must daily come." Have you learned to be a good follower, or are you trying to take the lead in your life?
  2. Debbie Alsdorf writes on page 68 "When you became a Christian you became completely and totally His- body, soul and spirit. And as His you are now a temple of the living God."  What does it mean to you personally to realize that Christ is in you and wants to work through you?
  3. Complete this sentence:  Jesus paid the price for me, so I would not….
  4. To bear the Fruit of Jesus you must be connected to the Holy Spirit in your life. We connect through prayer, His Word, fellowship, and obedience. Which of these four methods helps you connect most? Which is a challenge for you today?
  5. We learned to LIVE UP! during our daily devotionals last week. How did these dares speak to you personally? Is there one dare that really took root in your heart this week?