Monday, May 4, 2015

Womens Bible Cafe™

Womens Bible Cafe™

Anonymous Online Bible Study | Week 6

Posted: 03 May 2015 10:05 PM PDT

Anonymous online Bible studyCongratulations, you’ve just completed the workbook “Anonymous: Discovering the Somebody You Are to God,” by Cindi Wood! You’ve now identified your new name and new identity in Christ…that’s a reason to celebrate! We had a beautiful Scripture verse to remember this week: "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30 (Message)

Cindi Wood teaches, “Whatever your chapter of life at the moment, quiet yourself enough to hear God’s holy rhythm. Keeping time with His tempo will help you maintain a steady and relaxed lifestyle.” Keep in mind your rhythms of grace will look different than mine, Cindi’s or your ministry leader. Together with Jesus you create your own strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. It might be through your worship, prayer, Bible study, devotional time or ministry- uniquely yours and identifiable through the Holy Spirit alone. Pay attention and see if you can identify it this week. As Christians, we’ll see and hear our own rhythms of grace through a Christ-centered heart. Look for the simplicity of it.

This is an exciting week because we get new names! When I imagine the Lord’s name for me on our first day of the week six study, the name “Lovely” came to mind. We discussed this in my local leaders group on the weekend and the name rooted in my heart. What does it mean to be called “Lovely?” I watched a “Lovely Womens Conference” two years ago and I’m reminded of how lovely we/I am to God. How about you, what name did you write down on page 180 in your workbook? Post a comment below and share the personal name you imagine God has for you.

I’m deeply grateful to the ministry leaders who’ve shared their hearts with you each week. Please take time to thank them when you see them online. They’re dependable and committed women who desire to minister to others online. When they’re unable to lead due to an emergency or sometimes a crashed wifi and Internet, they’re scrambling behind the scene to find a replacement leader in their absence. These women love Jesus and they love you too!

Bible teacher Cindi Wood and her team have been praying for you these last six weeks. Please visit her Facebook page or Twitter page and become a follower. If you really want to make her day…take a photo of your Anonymous workbook and post it on her Facebook page for fun! :-)

Click here for Cindi Wood Facebook Page

Click here for Cindi Wood Twitter page

Click here for Cindi Wood blog

Let’s meet again in two weeks for Conversation Peace by Mary Kassian! See you then.


  • Join a small group this week
  • Post a book review for Cindi Wood on Amazon. She currently has 35 positive reviews and your opinion is valuable when you click here.
  • Register for the Conversation Peace online Bible study- starts May 18- when you click here


  1. We’ve learned that our names are no longer Judged, Hurting, Ordinary or Shame. Which new name are you claiming: Forgiven, Joyful, Hope-filled or Beloved Daughter of the Living God?
  2. How has God made a way for you or given you courage in a trial? (Day 2, page 186)
  3. Imagine yourself meeting Jesus just like the women we studied. How would you respond when meeting Him? What question would you ask Him?
  4. What did you find most interesting or most convicting during this six week study? Would you recommend the Anonymous study to a friend? Why or why not?
  5. What improvements would you suggest for future online studies so we can assist you more?

With Love,

christine abraham

How to Study Your Bible Online Inductive Bible Study | Week 6

Posted: 03 May 2015 10:04 PM PDT


Blog photo

Welcome to Week 6 of our online Inductive Bible study at the Women's Bible Café, “How to Study Your Bible” by Kay Arthur, David Arthur and Pete DeLacy. We are half way through our study and have unpacked many new Bible study skills that will carry us through a life time of studying God’s Word for ourselves.

This week we are going to study how to correctly interpret a parable. Jesus used parables many times to teach a moral lesson for His listening audience. We need to understand the meaning behind the parable so that we do not distort His intended meaning.

“Parables amplify or affirm doctrine rather than establish it, because parables are more obscure than clear doctrinal passages.”

We will also study how to accurately handle prophecy in Scripture. Since the Bible is filled with prophecy from Genesis to Revelation, we need to know when a prophecy is forthtelling (the present or immediate time) or foretelling (the future).

Kay Arthur writes:

“The Bible is not some kind of crystal ball wherein we can see–or predict–what specific things God will bring to pass in each of our individual lives. But God does give us a glimpse of the “big picture” as He shows us what is in store for those who love Him.”

Do I hear an Amen? We hold in our hands the truth of God’s Word, His love letter to us, and when we study it for ourselves, we can glean wonderful truths about God’s redemptive plan for mankind and His promise of a wonderful future for those who love Him and believe in Him.

Our daily reading lessons this week includes:

  • Chapter 9: When One Thing Represents Another
  • Chapter 10: Unraveling Revelation
  • Jeremiah, Chapter 1


  • This is worth repeating: Always begin your Bible study by praying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth and to open your mind and heart for understanding.
  • Read Chapters 9 and 10 in How to Study Your Bible.
  • Read and observe Jeremiah, Chapter 1 in your Bible (any version you have is okay). Mark the Lord and Jeremiah. In your notebook or journal, make a list of what you learn about Jeremiah and the Lord.
  • Read Jeremiah 1 again and mark key words that have to do with judgment. In your notebook or journal, list any principles you learn about judgment.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in your small group or post your answers here):

  1. How can a fictional story, such as a parable, be helpful in teaching a truth?
  2. What can we do to stand firm on God’s truths in our society that says it’s okay to follow our hearts and do whatever makes us happy?
  3. Based on our observations of Jeremiah 1, we read that God brought judgment on Israel because of their wickedness and offering sacrifices to other gods. What are some modern day idols that separate us from God? How can we put God first in our lives in a world that pulls us in so many different directions?


Sheree Poole

Experiencing God Online Bible Study | Week 6

Posted: 03 May 2015 10:00 PM PDT

experiencing god 6Welcome back to online Bible study at Women's Bible Café! This week we are discussing Unit 6 of Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby entitled "When God Speaks – Part II". Our lessons this week continue the topic we began last week – how God speaks and how we can hear Him.

This week we learn about how God speaks to us while we pray, what do to when God is silent and the importance of spiritual markers in our lives. Prayer is a very important spiritual activity, yet one we too often neglect. Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God. When we ignore prayer, we ignore Him. Through prayer we can build a relationship with a God who is present in our lives. So how should we do this prayer thing? Any way we can, as long as we do it consistently. Prayer opens our communication with Jesus, with the Father and with the Holy Spirit. We certainly don't want to miss out on that!

This week we also learned about the importance of spiritual markers in our lives and about how they record our lifelong journey with the Lord. Perhaps you are like me and did not come to know Jesus as your Lord and savior until you were an adult. If that is the case, it is tempting to think that God was not part of our lives until we were saved. But as I look back over the first 35 years of my life, the years before I had a relationship with God, I can see that he was there, working on me, placing people and circumstances in my life that would eventually lead me to Him. So amazing!

God knew I would find Him long before I gave it any thought. Wow! He made sure that my grandmother prayed for me. He made sure that my best friend in junior high invited me to see Jesus Christ Superstar on Broadway and that I would be enthralled by the music. He made sure that a high school friend who would later become a pastor would invite me to his youth group where seeds of faith would be planted. Regardless of how long you have known the Lord, there are going to be spiritual markers in your life. Look for them and record them. Pray over them and be amazed at how the Lord has marked your spiritual journey.


  • Join a small group discussion for study and fellowship.
  • Complete Week 7 in your Experiencing God workbook.
  • Optional: Watch the Session 7 video or listen to the audio.
  • Record your thoughts in your spiritual journal.


We are at the midpoint of the Experiencing God study. Congrats for making it this far! How can we make sure that we stick to it and get to the end of the study?

First and foremost connect with an online small group if you possibly can. Doing so will give you accountability to a small group leader and your group members that you cannot have if you are going it alone. Second, pray! Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you accountable as well. He will. Ask for the time and perseverance you will need to do your study each week. It is amazing how prayer can work to give you the time in a busy schedule that your need to complete your lessons. Try it – it works! Finally, have a plan. Think about when you will complete your study each day – and what your backup plan will be for if you miss a day. Schedule a daily date with God to work together on your lesson. Inevitably, there will be times when you will miss that date – what happens then? Carve out the time on the weekends, or whenever works for you, to get caught up. Make sure that you are caught up by the end of each week so that you don't fall hopelessly behind.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in your small group or post your answers here):

1) Have you persistently prayed for something and not received it, or received something different? (p. 115)
2) Are you currently praying for something God is not granting? (p. 115)
3) If you have experienced silences of God, briefly describe one such time (p. 115)
4) Blackaby says "Now when I pray and God is silent, I still pray through my sin checklist. Sometimes God's silences are caused by sin in my life. If unconfessed sin is in my life, I confess it and make it right." Respond to this. Do you pray in this way? If we were to make a sin checklist as a group, what are some thing we might include on that list? (p. 116)
5) How can you use spiritual markers to help you discern God's direction at a time of decision? (p. 126)

See you next week!

