Thursday, March 5, 2015 Latest News, Blogs and Features Latest News, Blogs and Features

Urgent Somalia appeal

Posted: 04 Mar 2015 03:27 AM PST

March Somalia Appeal

Halima's story

Halima is suffering from severe malnutrition. At 17 months old, she weighs just 11.5 pounds – a weight the average child in Ireland would reach at just two or three months old.

Halima's mother, Saidia, came to Mogadishu in search of healthcare for her sick daughter. Saidia does her best to feed Halima, but there is so little food to go around that her baby is wasting away. "We eat maize and rice two times a day. It isn't enough."

With such severe malnutrition, it could take as long as three months of treatment to get Halima back to anywhere near full health.

Our work in Somalia

Concern is one of a small number of charities working in Somalia's displacement camps.

We operate four health centres and our team of community health workers visits temporary camps to find and treat sick children. With the number of severely malnourished children being admitted to Concern clinics increasing every day, we urgently need to train more of these dedicated people and provide them with life-saving supplies. 

You can help

Your donations are vital in supporting Concern's community health workers in their mission to save children like Halima from malnourishment.

  • A gift of €15 could provide a month's supply of clean water for a struggling family.
  • A gift of €35 could save a child from malnourishment.
  • A gift of €62 could help to train a new health worker to treat sick children.

Donate now.


Tens of thousands of children in Somalian camps are going without food, water and vital healthcare. They cannot survive for much longer without these basic necessities.

World region: 
Primary image: 
Halima is one of the children suffering from hunger in Somalia's displacement camps. Photo: Concern Worldwide
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Thank you for your support: 
CONCERN worldwide Working with the world's poorest people to transform their lives
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Thanks for your donation.

By donating today, you're helping us to transform the lives of people living in some of the poorest countries in the world.

Your contribution is extremely important to us. It's your commitment that enables life-saving and life-changing work to take place.


Please contact us if you have any questions about your donation.

Thanks again,

Dominic MacSorley

Chief Executive, Concern Worldwide

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Reg. Charity No. CHY 5745.


Appeal name: 
March Somalia Appeal - IREMARSON-15

Tens of thousands of children in Somalian camps are going without food, water and vital healthcare. They cannot survive for much longer without these basic necessities.

Project name: 
March Somalia Appeal ROI
Money handles: 

supply a struggling family with clean water for a month


provide a week of therapeutic food for a malnourished child

Medical Cross

train a Community Health Worker to find and treat sick children

Emotive message: 

Your donation can help rescue children like Halima from malnourishment.

Emotive image: 
Halima is a Somalian child suffering from malnourishment. Your donations can help. Photo: Concern Worldwide
Thank you!

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