Monday, March 2, 2015

Womens Bible Cafe™

Womens Bible Cafe™

Covenant Week 7 | Online Bible Study

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 05:30 PM PST

Covenant (1)Welcome back to online Bible study at the Womens Bible Cafe! Can you believe it? We are nearing the end of our Kay Arthur online Bible study. We have one more week, and then we have completed the study of Covenant. I pray that these truths are making quite an impact on your daily lives. It sure has on mine! This week we are discussing Week Seven, “Mediator of the New Covenant” and are covering these weekly themes:

  •  Our Great High Priest and Mediator
  • A High Priest Entering the More Perfect Tabernacle
  • A Man of Blood
  • He Takes Away the First to Establish the Second
  • Forgiven by One Sacrifice for all Time

Suffering! We’ve all been there. We battle chronic pain and illnesses, loss of jobs and homes, financial struggles, adultery, single parenting, loss of a child, and even death. None of us are immune from the struggles we suffer in life. Kay Arthur writes:

 “I believe Christians in our nation will be tested in the future. It’s already happening in many parts of the world. Some believers face deportation, leaving only with the clothes on their backs. Still others have been arrested, imprisoned, or tortured.”

Just this month we heard on the news of the mass beheadings of about twenty-one Egyptian Christians who were brutally beheaded by a Islamic group known as ISIS. We ask ourselves, how can this happen? Why is this happening?

We do not have the answers to these questions, but what we do know is that we have a Mediator of a new covenant, the One Who is coming soon. He is coming for the righteous, the ones who have suffered, the ones who have believed in the promise, the ones who have persevered in their faith, even to the point of their death.

 “So Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.”  Hebrews 9:28 (NASB)

Our suffering does not escape God’s attention. He is the Great High Priest, and He sees all and knows all. What we must do is cling to our faith, no matter what the cost. Kay Arthur writes:

“Faith, even though God seems to have abandoned them to suffering, to being ridiculed for their faith–some imprisoned, others losing their property, their possessions. Most of all God wants them to understand that who they have is better than anything else and that as our Mediator of a new covenant, we need to join Him.”

Are you trusting Him in faith today? You can count on the Mediator of the covenant. He is coming soon!!


  • Join a small group and fellowship with your fellow Bible students.  Send a request to “join group” and we will approve it:
  • Basic Study: Complete Week 8 in the Covenant workbook, about 20-30 minutes each day.
  • Optional due to cost: Watch Session 8 video or listen to the audio and follow along in your workbook on page 177.  To download videos or audios  CLICK HERE
  • Write out your fears in a prayer to God. Ask Him to strengthen your faith in the midst of adversity and suffering you may be experiencing at this time. You can write this in the margin of your workbook or in your journal.
  • Digging Deeper: Do a word study on “mediator” (Hebrews 9:15). Use the resources at Instructions on how to use this tool is included in “Files” in the WBC Covenant chat room. Write down your findings in the margin of your workbook on page 169.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in small groups or post a comment here)

  1. So many Christians are being persecuted, tortured and even put to death for their faith. How can we remain grounded in our faith in times of persecution? If you were put to the test of your faith, how would you respond? (Pages 157-158).
  2. The Law could show them (Israelites) what was right and wrong, but it couldn’t help them change. It couldn’t make them perfect in their conscience. The guilt or condemnation was still there. What are your own set of “Christian laws” that take you through the form, the ritual of Christianity, to help relieve you of a guilty conscience? How do you ultimately get rid of a guilty conscience? (Page 165)
  3. How important is the shedding of blood? Why? (Page 168).
  4. What are the major differences of the Old Covenant versus the New Covenant? How are they similar? What was the purpose of both the Old Covenant and the New Covenant? (Page 176)
  5. Bonus Question: How is the new covenant a covenant of hope?


On March 30, we will be teaching the Inductive method of Precept studies using the Book written by Kay Arthur, David Arthur and Pete DeLacy, “How to Study Your Bible.” In this book, you will learn the joy and value of Inductive Study that will help you discover truth for yourself when you read and study God’s Holy Word. Kay Arthur states, “Inductive Bible study draws you into personal interaction with the Scripture and thus with the God of the Scriptures so that your beliefs are based on a prayerful understanding and legitimate interpretation of Scripture–truth that transforms you when you live by it.”

Watch for the new Facebook group for our Inductive Bible Studies to open on March 9. To order the book for our next inductive Bible study (in Kindle or print format) CLICK HERE.


Sheree Poole