Thursday, February 19, 2015 Latest News, Blogs and Features Latest News, Blogs and Features

“Pioneering” Concern Worldwide and Kerry Group project scoops major World Bank agriculture-for-nutrition award

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 01:03 AM PST

RAIN (Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition) aims to improve under-nutrition and mortality rates in children under two years of age in the developing world. Under-nutrition in young children results in stunting which has long-lasting, irreversible effects on the physical and mental development of children, and is the underlying cause of 3.5 million deaths each year.

Concern CEO, Dominic MacSorley, said:

Globally, child under-nutrition and mortality rates have been unacceptably high and we are delighted that this award will bring wider recognition for a unique partnership between Concern and Kerry Group, with additional support from Irish Aid, on a project which integrates agriculture with early nutrition interventions – harnessing the expertise of both organisations – to tackle this massive, but often overlooked, humanitarian issue.

The full press release can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the link below.


Concern Worldwide has won a major global Harvesting Nutrition Contest for 'Potential Impact on Nutrition' for its RAIN project in Zambia.

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We are delighted to announce that a pioneering Concern Worldwide project in Zambia – supported by Kerry Group and Irish Aid – has won a major international World Bank award for its potential impact on nutrition.