Monday, November 16, 2015

Armor of God Online Bible Study | Week Two

Armor of God Online Bible Study | Week Two

Armor of God Online Bible Study | Week Two

Posted: 15 Nov 2015 09:10 PM PST




Freedom comes to us when we unapologetically follow the truth the we discover in Him and in His Word.  Priscilla Shirer


Panic gripped my heart as I listened to the frightened little voice on my message service.  Normally, I would have picked up the phone but it was an unfamiliar number so I sent it to voice mail.  Although there was a lot of ambient noise and yelling heard in the background I could definitely hear my daughter’s wee voice saying “Mommy, there is a bomb at school, can you come and get me?”

I felt as if someone knocked the wind out of, me.  Shaken to the core and filled with purpose I went to the school to find my daughter and take her home.  God is good and all ended well, however the series of events had many of us rethinking what steps we needed to take to ensure our children’s safety.   There were important things that had been forgotten during the panic because a system had not been properly put into place.

Life can take our breath away, either by lovely moments of wonder or when hardship strikes and we are left gasping for air in disbelief.  Adversity often causes us to rethink our strategy.   There were definitely some things that we changed after the bomb threat at my daughter’s school.

As we began Week Two of the Armor of God study, we learned about the importance of having a plan and strengthening our core.  The most important preparation we have for life and all that encompasses it, happens to be the times we spend with the Lord in prayer and the study of His Word.  We can be better prepared to handle the battles we will inevitably face on a daily basis, however, to do that we need a plan.  We need a Prayer Strategy and our lessons this week have helped us learn how to form one.

If you haven’t already begun a prayer journal, I want to encourage you to do so.  There are many different ways that you can make one.  It can be a simple notebook or a lined diary, anything that you can keep a record of your prayers in.  I even have a very creative friend who uses a sketchbook with which she writes her prayers with drawings and beautiful colors.   It is a wonderful way in which you can see how the Lord is moving in your prayer life.  Write those Prayer Strategies down and see what the Lord does.

Assignment For the Week

  • Write a new Prayer Strategy Card for the week and put it where you will be reminded to pray over it often.  (My card is taped to my bathroom mirror and has a specific prayer for my children)
  • Make sure you attend your small group or if you cannot make it to your normal time, jump into another one.  All small groups are open attendance so please feel free to join one that suits your schedule.
  • Read Week Three:  The Breastplate of Righteousness in your member book.
  • If you are watching the videos, watch Session Three, available through Lifeway (not required for participation in the study)
  • Considering memorizing Ephesians 6:10-19 with us.

Discussion Questions- Answer in your small group or post a comment below

  1. How is God stirring the need for a daily prayer strategy in your life?
  2. Do you personally overestimate or underestimate the enemy's influence in the circumstances of your life? What effect does this inclination have in your life? (See page 17 in your member book)
  3. What does the phrase 'stand firm wearing the belt of truth' mean to you?
  4. What challenges you most when you think about basing everything on the standard of God's Word, the Bible
  5. On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to strengthening your spiritual core?  (1=not committed at all; 10=whole-heartedly committed)


 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.  Deuteronomy 6:5-6

With Love,


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