While traveling through the ocean on his boat this man came across something very unexpected. He did see volcanic activity and also got to see the creation of a brand new island.
The entire east coast of the United States including New York City is covered in snow. These aerial views show that Manhattan has pretty much been transformed into a giant icicle.
Do you feel invisible or anonymous at times? Can you identify with the women in the Bible who were never mentioned by name? God is doing a new thing at the Womens Bible Cafe, as we lead women past the feelings of being overlooked, unimportant, and bruised by the world. In this six-week Bible study by Cindi Wood, you’ll discover your uniqueness and significance to Christ by exploring some of the “anonymous” women of the Bible. We’ll be using the workbook Anonymous: Discovering You Are Someone to God by Cindi Wood, available in print or Kindle format. This online Bible study starts March 23, 2015 at the Womens Bible Cafe…register when you post a comment below and join us!
This is not a trade book it’s an actual BIBLE STUDY WORKBOOK with daily lessons. Each day you’ll spend 20 minutes reading and answering questions. During this online Bible study for women, you’ll study:
Shades of Anonymous- When You Feel Invisible
The Woman Who Anointed Jesus- When You Are Judged
The Woman with the Issue of Blood- When You Are Tired of Hurting
The Woman at the Well- When You Feel Ordinary
The Woman Who Committed Adultery- When You Are Burdened with Shame
Rhythm of Grace New Name, New Identity
If you have never participated in online study at the Womens Bible Cafe, it's pretty simple. You'll read the workbook at home, then visit the Womens Bible Cafe to participate in online group discussions. We have small group meetings everyday of the week, morning and evening, via a private Facebook group. Your comments will not appear on a public Facebook page because we use “closed group” privacy settings, so only those women in the group will see your heart thoughts.
Choose a small group day and time that best fits your schedule…and if you miss a session then you are welcome to attend another one during the week so you do not fall behind. All you need to do is simply come to the first small group session on the day and time you want to participate. The leaders will ask you to introduce yourself and your name will be added to the group membership list. No emails to find, no secret groups to locate…and you’ll have the flexibility to attend groups that are a best fit for your busy schedule.
Anonymous: Discovering You Are Someone To God | Information Video
Where to Find the Workbook for the Anonymous Online Bible Study
Local church or home groups: There’s a Leader’s Kit available with all the videos, one workbook and a leaders guide. Available from Amazon when you CLICK HERE
Anonymous Small Group Schedule
These are the small group events for this study. To join our closed Facebook and participate in one of these small group meetings- CLICK HERE
Day of Week
6:00 PM
12:00 PM
11:00 AM
10:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 PM
8:00 PM
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6:00 PM
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How to Join the Anonymous Bible Study
Register for this study at the Womens Bible Cafe when you post a comment below. Just for fun, tell us where you like to read your Bible: at home, in the car, or at your office. Which Bible translation do you use most often?
Subscribe to the email updates for the Womens Bible Cafe if you are new to our studies- click here
Join us on Facebook to participate in small group meetings- CLICK HERE
Make sure you read the Getting Started page because the most common questions are answered here
Once you post a comment below and subscribe to updates by email, you are officially enrolled with us and will receive email updates the week of March 23.
Did you miss the Experiencing God online Bible study when we lead it two years ago? You’ll be excited to know that we are REPEATING this popular study. Many women have requested this as a favorite and life-changing study, so we’re bringing it back to you! Discover where God is working around you and learn to join Him there. Learn to let God lead and guide you to life-changing activities. This online Bible study starts March 23, 2015 at the Womens Bible Cafe…register when you post a comment below and join us!
You’ll need the Experiencing God workbook by Henry and Richard Blackaby, available in print format. This is not a trade book it’s an actual BIBLE STUDY WORKBOOK with daily lessons. Each day you’ll spend 20 to 30 minutes reading and answering questions. During this 12-week online Bible study for women, you’ll study:
God’s Will and Your Life
Looking to God
God Pursues a Love Relationship
Love and God’s Invitation
God Speaks part 1
God Speaks part 2
The Crisis of Belief
Adjusting Your Life to God
Experiencing God Through Obedience
God’s Will and the Church
Kingdom People
Experiencing God in Your Daily Life
If you have never participated in online study at the Womens Bible Cafe, it's pretty simple. You'll read the workbook at home, then visit the Womens Bible Cafe to participate in online group discussions. We have small group meetings via a private Facebook group. Your comments will not appear on a public Facebook page because we use “closed group” privacy settings, so only those women in the group will see your heart thoughts.
Choose a small group day and time that best fits your schedule…and if you miss a session then you are welcome to attend another one during the week so you do not fall behind. You’ll select your own leadership team-so you are not assigned a specific leader. All you need to do is simply come to the first small group session on the day and time you want to participate. The leaders will ask you to introduce yourself and your name will be added to the group membership list. No emails to find, no secret groups to locate…and you’ll have the flexibility to attend groups that are a best fit for your busy schedule.
Where to Find the Workbook for the Experiencing God Online Bible Study
Order your Experiencing God Member Workbookby Henry and Richard Blackaby from Lifeway.
IMPORTANT: There are numerous versions of this book you need the MEMBER BOOK for our study. The trade book is a chapter book and does not have learning assignments. The Kindle book is also a chapter book, not study guide.
Experiencing God Small Group Schedule
These are the small group events for this study. To join our closed Facebook and participate in one of these small group meetings- CLICK HERE
Day of Week
3:00 PM
9:00 AM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
6:00 AM
6PM Tues
12 AM Tues
11 PM Mon
10 PM Mon
9 PM Mon
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5:30 PM
4:30 PM
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6:00 AM
How to Join the Experiencing God Bible Study
Register for this study at the Womens Bible Cafe when you post a comment below. Just for fun, tell us three things in your home that need to be tossed out or donated to a charity.
Subscribe to the email updates for the Womens Bible Cafe if you are new to our studies- click here
Join us on Facebook to participate in small group meetings- CLICK HERE
Make sure you read the Getting Started page because the most common questions are answered here
Once you post a comment below and subscribe to updates by email, you are officially enrolled with us and will receive email updates the week of March 23.
Previous research has suggested a link between intelligence and various health outcomes. New findings show a link between a lower IQ and greater and riskier drinking among young adult men.The poor IQ-test results may also be linked to other disadvantages such as lower socio-economic standing.
Alcoholic liver disease is a common liver ailment in the US that varies significantly by ethnicity. A new study looks the role of ethnicity in the age of onset, severity, and risk factors for progression of ALD. Results indicate that ethnicity is a major factor affecting the age and severity of different subtypes of ALD.
Adolescent binge drinking has been linked to a host of problems, including worse school performance, risky sexual behaviors, illicit drugs, and a greater risk of suicide. Binge drinking may also be linked to problematic eating behavior, yet little research exists. A study of the relationship between binge drinking and eating problems among Russian adolescents has found that problematic eating behaviors and attitudes are commonplace, and that binge drinking is associated with more eating problems in girls than boys.
During long Midwest winters, deer can wreak havoc on hay and other stored livestock feed. However, planting fall cover crops, such as clover, turnips and peas, may help wildlife managers provide deer with a nutrient-rich alternative that can lure them away from livestock feed. Researchers are conducting a controlled experiment to identify which cover crops deer prefer.
Certain stem cell culture methods are associated with increased DNA mutations, a new study shows. The study points researchers toward safer and more robust methods of growing stem cells to treat disease and injury.
Distillers dried grains with solubles, a co-product of the ethanol industry, is becoming a more common ingredient in swine diets. However, distillers dried grains with solubles can be high in sulfur, and data are limited on the amount of sulfur that pigs can tolerate in the diet. Therefore, researchers have conducted research to investigate effects of high levels of sulfur in diets for pigs.
Resistance to the antimalarial drug artemisinin is established in Myanmar and has reached within 25km of the Indian border, a new study reports. Artemisinin resistance threatens to follow the same historical trajectory from Southeast Asia to the Indian subcontinent as seen in the past with other antimalarial medicines.