Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Amazing & Funny News Updates

Amazing & Funny News Updates

Terrifying Solimar Fire Footage Caught From Close (Video)

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 06:30 PM PST

Recently in news we have heard a lot about the terrifying Solimar fire that burned over 1200 acres of land. But hopefully the fire has been controlled and subdued by the heroic act of the firefighters. Since the news has been widely spread, people are terrified by it. However here is a video showing Solimar […]

The post Terrifying Solimar Fire Footage Caught From Close (Video) appeared first on - Amazing Videos, Amazing Funny Pictures, Crazy Videos, Funny Photos.

Awesome Funny Animals That Needs To Be Awarded For Being Themselves

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 03:30 PM PST

There are many situations in our life where we have to deal with animals, either as a pet or in some other manner. We often find animals as adorable beings and they do stuffs that makes us laugh a lot. If you have a pet in your house, then you know what I'm talking about, […]

The post Awesome Funny Animals That Needs To Be Awarded For Being Themselves appeared first on - Amazing Videos, Amazing Funny Pictures, Crazy Videos, Funny Photos.

Incredible Health Benefits Of Music That Are Really Surprising

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 06:30 AM PST

We all love to look after our health and we do many things including exercises, eating healthy foods etc to maintain our health. Apart from eating good, exercising and many other sorts of things, there are plenty of other methods by which we could maintain or restore our health. However, here we're talking about music […]

The post Incredible Health Benefits Of Music That Are Really Surprising appeared first on - Amazing Videos, Amazing Funny Pictures, Crazy Videos, Funny Photos.

Baby Trying Bacon For The First Time And Giving Out The Best Reaction (Video)

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 03:30 AM PST

Babies trying anything would turn out adorable and funny. If you have a baby in your house, then you'd know how he/she creates situations for you to laugh with joy. It is really adorable and funny to watch babies trying foods for the first time. You may have seen many videos of them trying lemons […]

The post Baby Trying Bacon For The First Time And Giving Out The Best Reaction (Video) appeared first on - Amazing Videos, Amazing Funny Pictures, Crazy Videos, Funny Photos.

Interesting Random Facts That Your Brain Will Surely Appreciate

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 12:30 AM PST

How often do you find interesting facts about things on internet? Do you love reading such stuffs that benefit your brains? Since the internet has emerged, many people make use of it to increase their knowledge about random things. The internet even helps us know about very rare things that only few among us know. […]

The post Interesting Random Facts That Your Brain Will Surely Appreciate appeared first on - Amazing Videos, Amazing Funny Pictures, Crazy Videos, Funny Photos.

Hidden Facts About Disney That You Never Knew Before

Posted: 29 Dec 2015 09:30 PM PST

There will be none among us who haven't seen any of the Disney movies. In fact most of us are die hard fans of their movies and the characters within it, aren't we? We also love reading lesser known facts about Disney and the famous movies that we already seen. If you already know enough […]

The post Hidden Facts About Disney That You Never Knew Before appeared first on - Amazing Videos, Amazing Funny Pictures, Crazy Videos, Funny Photos.

Faith Dare Christmas | Week 4

Faith Dare Christmas | Week 4

Faith Dare Christmas | Week 4

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 04:31 PM PST

Come and join us for a 30 day Faith Dare with Debbie Alsdorf! Our focus is spending devotional time each day focused on the importance of Christmas. We had a great deal of fun last week in our Wednesday night live Facebook event as we discussed Living IN! Tonight we’re discussing “Living OUT” based on the Faith Dare devotional by Debbie Alsdorf. Come join us even if you’re behind on the reading…let’s celebrate the JOY of Christmas together and the end of 2015!

Faith Dare christmas 4

Faith Dare Christmas Study

Faith Dare Christmas via Facebook

Join Christine Abraham, Stasia Nielsen, and Sonya Nelson each week as we fellowship and have an informal Faith Dare conversation online.We meet on the "Event page" Wednesday Nights at 6PM Pacific, 7PM Mountain, 8PM Central, 9PM Eastern. Put a reminder on your smartphone with a repeat alarm. Let's celebrate with Christmas JOY.

Faith Dare Christmas Week 4 Message From Debbie Alsdorf

Guest Blogger Debbie Alsdorf

I just landed at the airport. As we were making our descent I was struck with how little the world looks from this view. Gazing down I imagine people like ants, racing along the little roads in bug size cars that are taking them to their miniature houses. Life doesn’t skip a beat, it moves with a rhythm—day in and day out synching up with people that God created and loves.

And though life races along day by day…life is short. None of us are in a dress rehearsal. Today when you woke up, you had some choices to make about how your are going to live out this day in your one and only life. Being you were created to love God and love others, perhaps that’s where we start and stop….over and over again.

Each of us are in God’s development process. We are women in life-long development. Day by day, situation by situation, step by step, God is working in us. We might not see his work, but he is at work, completing the good work that he started in our lives ( Philippians 1:6)

All of the next dares have to do with how we treat other people. They are challenging and practical. They might grate against your flesh, snap your very last nerve and frustrate you….but if you will push yourself to explore your heart and expose your actions before the Lord, you will experience God in the practical place of relationships.

Loving people sounds poetic and lovely until we have to love a real person who disappoints us. Forgiveness is great in theory but harder to practice when there is a real person or situation to forgive. Putting others first sounds heroic and spiritual until we just don’t want to do it! You get the picture!

My prayer has been to love from the center of who I am, and if the center is ugly and negative, then the outflow will not be that of the beauty of Christ. Being accountable for my mouth is to love in a way that impacts the center of me.

Years ago I had a friend who stopped at a mini-mart while on a road trip. Looking for some quick energy she picked up a candy bar, and continued on her way. Without looking at the candy she ripped into the wrapper and sunk her teeth into the chocolate…only to find that in the center were maggots. Yuk.

The chocolate was wrapped right, appeared to be the right thing…but the center was spoiled, rotting with bugs. In the same way, we can look right, appear to be the right-Christian, and be spoiled on the inside of us…rotting away with things unspeakable or with things spoken in private conversations, ugliness can permeate us from the center place.

This last week is the time to pay attention to your mouth, your words, your attitude, and the idea that kindness in speech can be a blessing to help in the wholeness and healing of other people.

Can I change things by worrying over them? No, but just as the world below me looked so small from the plane tonight, my problems seem little when seeing things from above the problem rather than trying to push up from underneath.

I hope you have enjoyed setting aside 30 days towards having a more focused heart. It is my prayer that the ripple effect of these dares will begin to draw people to Christ through you. Bless you, my sisters, together our lives can make a difference. Because, Jesus is the difference maker!

Living up!

Debbie Alsdorf

Debbie Alsdorf

Assignment For This Week

  • Post an Amazon Review on this book when you click here.

Group Discussion- Join the live event Wednesday nights at 6PM Pacific, 7PM Mountain, 8PM Central, 9PM Eastern:

If you are unable to attend the live events each week, post your comments below.

  1. As we enter a New Year, we have the opportunity to forgive past offenses. Complete this sentence: If I neglect to forgive, then I'm in bondage to (what)?
  2. Pride does not to overlook an offense while grace reveals “Christ in me.” When is the last time you overlooked an offense? What helped you to overlook the offense and respond with humility and grace?
  3. Kindness is another characteristic of Christ. Think of an act of kindness that blessed you in the past. Why did that bless you? How can you pay it forward and bless another person?
  4. Which of the faith dare's had the most impact on you during our study?

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

Early-life exercise alters gut microbes, promotes healthy brain and metabolism

Posted: 29 Dec 2015 05:42 PM PST

The human gut harbors a teeming menagerie of over 100 trillion microorganisms, and researchers have discovered that exercising early in life can alter that microbial community for the better, promoting healthier brain and metabolic activity over the course of a lifetime.

Social, telepresence robots revealed by scientists

Posted: 29 Dec 2015 04:07 AM PST

Say hello to Nadine, a "receptionist" at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She is friendly, and will greet you back. Next time you meet her, she will remember your name and your previous conversation with her. She looks almost like a human being, with soft skin and flowing brunette hair. She smiles when greeting you, looks at you in the eye when talking, and can also shake hands with you. And she is a humanoid.

Being anxious could be good for you in a crisis

Posted: 29 Dec 2015 04:06 AM PST

New findings could help explain the apparent 'sixth sense' we have for danger in social situations, with the direction of a person's gaze being a crucial cue. People with non-clinical anxiety are particularly well poised for action.

Researchers identify areas of plague risk in western United States

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 02:44 PM PST

Researchers have identified and mapped areas of high probability of plague bacteria in the western United States. This investigation predicted animal plague occurrence across western states based on reported occurrences of plague in sylvan (wild) and domestic animal hosts. Plague is a disease caused by Yersinia pestis, a bacterium found in rodents and their fleas in many areas around the world.

Childhood asthma may increase risks of shingles

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 02:44 PM PST

Nearly 1 million incidents of herpes zoster, which is also known as shingles, occur every year in the US, with an estimated one-third of all adults affected by age 80. Despite its prevalence, particularly between ages 50 and 59, it is still unclear why some individuals will develop shingles, and others will not.

Lab tests of e-cigarettes demonstrate cellular harm

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 02:44 PM PST

Two types of electronic cigarettes have been tested by researchers who found that they damaged cells in ways that could lead to cancer. The damage occurred even with nicotine-free versions of the products.

Success in observing a two-phonon quantum interference: A world first

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 09:48 AM PST

A research group has succeeded in observing at the intended timing two-phonon quantum interference by using two cold calcium ions in ion traps, which spatially confine charged particles. A phonon is a unit of vibrational energy that arises from oscillating particles within crystals. Two-particle quantum interference experiments using two photons or atoms have been previously reported, but this group's achievement is the world's first observation using two phonons.

Financial burden of cancer survivorship varies by age, cancer site

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 09:47 AM PST

Survivors of cancer pay thousands of dollars in excess medical expenditures every year, with the excess financial burden varying by age and cancer site, a new report suggests.

How does type of toy affect quantity, quality of language in infant playtime?

Posted: 23 Dec 2015 10:05 AM PST

Electronic toys for infants that produce lights, words and songs were associated with decreased quantity and quality of language compared to playing with books or traditional toys such as a wooden puzzle, a shape-sorter and a set of rubber blocks, according to an article.

Educating patients improves knowledge, attitudes about participating in research

Posted: 23 Dec 2015 10:05 AM PST

A little information goes a long way in encouraging cancer patients to enroll in clinical trials, a decision that could be potentially lifesaving, new research demonstrates.

The power of touch: Sex-changing snails switch sooner when together

Posted: 23 Dec 2015 10:05 AM PST

Many animals change sex at some point in their lives, often after reaching a certain size. Snails called slipper limpets begin life as males, and become female as they grow. A new study shows that when two males are kept together and can touch one another, the larger one changes to female sooner, and the smaller one later. Contact, rather than chemicals released into the water, is necessary for the effect.