Monday, April 13, 2015

Womens Bible Cafe™

Womens Bible Cafe™

Anonymous Online Bible Study | Week 3

Posted: 12 Apr 2015 09:43 PM PDT

anonymous week 3Womens Online Bible study is a great way to develop your faith! We just finished our third week in the workbook “Anonymous: Discovering the Somebody You Are to God,” by Cindi Wood. Join us in our Facebook group for small group discussions. We’ll be learning about the woman who was bleeding for 12 years. Cindi Wood has identified her as “Hurting” and this week we learn about purpose in our suffering.

As women we often identity ourselves by our suffering. We identify ourselves as cancer survivors, domestic abuse survivors, recovered alcoholics, divorced, depressed, disabled, unemployed, menopausal, bipolar, etc. Sometimes the labels have advantages such as financial assistance, support groups and connection with like-minded women. Other times the labels are reminders of suffering, just like the label of the woman who bled for 12 years. Though she was healed in the most magnificent way, we still identify her by the label of her affliction.

Many of my friends are wearing “hurting” labels years after the event. One friend reminds me that her husband broke marriage vows by having an affair…30 years ago. Another friend whispers about a past abortion that happened 20 years ago. Do you see how we wear HURTING labels even after the suffering has passed?

If we are earthen vessels, how do our labels affect the work of Christ in us? These labels are testimonies of faith, just as the woman who bled for 12 years. These labels are evidence that we are forgiven, loved and known by God. Our vessels are not depleted and half-empty with stagnant waters of past suffering; they are filled with Living Water. While we may not delight in suffering, we are certainly revealing God’s glory inside us when we suffer beside Him instead of without Him. Read that twice.

Cindi Wood identifies four issues of hurting women: physical duress, financial hardship, emotional despair and shunned socially for her illness. It’s rare to find a woman who has not experienced these issues sometime in her life. Are you willing to let go of your hurting, or help a friend who is suffering today? Pray and ask the Lord to lead you into His will.


  • Join a small group this week
  • Read WEEK FOUR in your book. You’ll read one lesson per day, each lesson is about 20 minutes.
  • Optional due to cost: AFTER you finish the reading assignment, watch video session four  available from Amazon or the publisher website.
  • If you have not yet registered and would still like to join us, please CLICK HERE.
  • Join us for a FREE live event with Bible teacher Cindi Wood Tuesday April 14 at 9PM Eastern, 6PM Pacific when you CLICK HERE.


  1. Cindi Wood describes a time when she experienced years of pain in her jaw. Have you ever been in physical pain for so long that you wanted to give up? If so, briefly describe how you felt during this situation. (Day 1, page 68)
  2. Where do you tend to fall on the “delighting” in suffering scale? 1= not at all, 5= need some work, 10= bring it on. (Day 1, page 71)
  3. Which phrase describes you today: “touched with affliction” or “commissioned to reach out to the hurting?” (Day 2, page 79)
  4. In Matthew 14:34-36 and Mark 6:56 we learn that those who are ill touched the garment of Jesus. If you suffer an illness, how would you feel about touching his robe?  (Day 4, page 89).
  5. The woman with the blood had four issues- physical, financial, emotional and social- as a result of her illness. Of these four, which one affects you most right now? (Day 4, page 90)

With Love,

christine abraham

Experiencing God Online Bible Study | Week 3

Posted: 12 Apr 2015 09:23 PM PDT

experiencing god week 3Welcome back to online Bible study at Women's Bible Café! This week we will be discussing Unit Three of Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby entitled "God Pursues a Love Relationship." Wow – how can we not get into that?

Our daily lessons this week included some great topics:

  • Created for a Love Relationship
  • A Love Relationship With God
  • Walking with God
  • God Pursues a Love Relationship
  • A Real, Personal, Practical Relationship

That's right – we have been talking about love, relationships and God this week in a big way.

Our memory verse for the week sums it all up pretty well:
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment." (Matthew 22:37-38)

That verse makes this seem like a simple matter, doesn't it? But loving God in that way is anything but simple for sinful beings such as ourselves. So many things are constantly taking out time, our attention, and our "love." We "love" so easily – we love our spouses, our kids, our friends, our jobs, our homes, our churches, our pastors, our cars, our favorite TV shows, our favorite restaurant, those new shoes we got on sale, the color we painted our living room, our iPhones, a good night's sleep, the new Pilates instructor….but do we love God, really love Him, in the way this verse describes?

I know I don't…at least not consistently. But God does love us that way – all the time. That's quite a concept to grasp. He loves us, unconditionally, all day, every day, regardless of what we do, or say, or think. God takes the initiative. He pursues us. How cool is that????

This week we looked at the importance of building a relationship with the Lord that is real, personal and practical. That relationship is the cornerstone of everything – that's right, everything. As Blackaby says "A love relationship with God is more important than any other single factor in your life". It trumps the iPhone, the shoes, the TV shows, the food, the cars, the house, the job, the kids, the spouse… it really is everything. Are you willing to live like it is?

– Join a small group for study and fellowship.
– Complete Week 4 in your Experiencing God workbook
– Optional: Watch the Session 4 video or listen to the audio.
– Record your thoughts in your spiritual journal.

Pack your bag! Take your Bible and your workbook on the road with you – everywhere. I am often called a bag lady because I have a tote bag for everything under the sun! I have a work bag, a school bag, an exercise bag, and a Bible bag. They all hang out in the back seat of my car when I am not using them – that way I never leave home without them. My bible bag contains my NIV Life Application Bible, my Experiencing God materials, and a huge pencil bag full of my favorite pens, pencils, highlighters, and markers plus post it notes galore. By taking my Bible bag with me everywhere, I can use those extra minutes (which so often turn into hours a week) to complete my lessons. No, it's not foolproof and like the rest of you, I often have to play catch up on the weekends but it certainly helps. Try it and let me know what you think!

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in your small group or post your answers here):
1. Can you describe your relationship with God by sincerely saying "I love you with all my heart"? (p. 53)
2. What are some things in your past that have a strong limiting influence on your life today? Do you think you are primarily shaped by your past or by your future? Why? (p. 57)
3. Look at the chart you made on p. 58. In what are you investing your life, your time, and your resources? Which of these will pass away? Which have eternal value? What adjustments do you sense God wants you to make?
4. How do you know God loves you? What evidence convinces you of His love for you? (p. 62)
5. Can you describe your relationship with God as real, personal and practical? Why or why not? (p. 66)

I sincerely hope that this week's lessons have challenged you to look at your love relationship with your Lord and Savior. I pray that your relationship with Him is growing and that your find yourself "Experiencing God" in a new way as a result of this study. Not feeling that yet? Persevere and you will. This is still just the beginning!

See you next week!


How to Study Your Bible Online Inductive Bible Study | Week 3

Posted: 12 Apr 2015 09:12 PM PDT

How to Study Your Bible Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of our online Inductive study at the Women's Bible Café, How to Study Your Bible.  In Week 2, we studied how to observe the text to discover what it says. We discussed the importance of key repeated words and the significance of marking key words and how they “unlock” the meaning of the text. We also learned that context rules in Bible study, and without identifying the context we are in danger of misinterpreting God’s Word. We also learned how to discover the theme of each chapter in a book of the Bible and recording these themes on an At a Glance chart.

This week we will continue our observations and then will move on to Part Two of Inductive Bible Study, “Interpretation.” Our daily reading lessons this week includes:

  • Chapter 3: Focusing In on the Details
  • PART TWO: Interpretation – Discover What It Means!
  • Chapter 4: The Search for Meaning

We have only begun to scratch the surface in Inductive Bible study. The skills you are learning are developed over time with practice and repetition. I urge you not to give up, because persistence pays off. Through these methods, God will reveal His Holy Word to you which will open a whole new world of understanding with life changing results.

Kay Arthur writes:

“If you will maintain a prayerful teachable spirit as you do your observations, you will find that the Holy Spirit will use all of this to speak to you and to reveal to you precious treasures of truth.”

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in your small group or post your answers here):

  1. Why ask the 5 W’s and an H (who, what, where, when, why and how) questions? What purpose does this serve?
  2. What can you gain from making lists about key words? (page 45)
  3. Read/review the 7 basic principles which will help you interpret the Bible accurately (pages 56-60). Which one had the most impact on you and why?
  4. Begin Practice Exercise One once you have completed this week’s reading. This exercise with instructions will be posted in the Inductive Studies chat room.


Sheree Poole

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