Monday, March 30, 2015

Womens Bible Cafe™

Womens Bible Cafe™

How to Study Your Bible Online Bible Study Starts Today | Introduction Week

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 09:08 PM PDT

How to study your BibleWelcome to our Spring Online Inductive Bible study! You are about to embark on a journey of studying God’s Word inductively, “precept upon precept” and discovering truth for yourself. If you have a desire to know God more intimately than you ever have before, then this study is for you. In this book, “How to Study Your Bible,” Kay Arthur, David Arthur and Pete DeLacy give you practical step by step instructions on the inductive Bible study methods. Kay Arthur writes, “Inductive study doesn’t tell you what the Bible means or what you should believe. Instead, it teaches you a method of studying God’s Word that can be applied to any portion of Scripture at any time for the rest of your life.”

This ten-week study will take place in a private WBC Inductive Studies Facebook chatroom. Each Monday for the next ten weeks you will begin reading the assigned chapters according to the reading schedule posted in the chat room. Discussion questions will also be posted each Monday morning, and after you have completed your personal study, you will login to this chat room at any time 24-hours a day to join in on the ongoing discussion and post any questions. There will also be exercises posted occasionally for you to practice the skills you are learning.


  1. Login to your Facebook account first.
  2. Click the link for the Inductive Studies chatroom:
  3. Click "Join Group"
  4. Please allow time for the leaders to approve your request to join the group.

My prayer is that God will use this study to enable each of you to go deeper in your Bible study and to develop a greater understanding of God’s Holy Word.

You will need a copy of the How to Study Your Bible book and read the assigned chapters according to the reading schedule. You should expect to spend approximately 30 minutes a day, sometimes less, sometimes more, reading and completing the practice exercises. I encourage you to begin your daily lessons with prayer asking the Holy Spirit to help you to persevere in your daily lessons and to guide you into understanding His truths.

Welcome to our Spring Inductive Bible Study!


Sheree Poole

Experiencing God Online Bible Study | Week 1

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 08:47 PM PDT

EXPERIENCING GOD online Bible studyWelcome back to online Bible study at the Women's Bible Café. This week we’ll be discussing Week One of Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby. Hopefully you’ve completed Week One in your Experiencing God workbook – but if you haven't do not despair! You can always get caught up this week. It's not too late to join this online Bible study – all small groups are open attendance and everyone is invited to participate. To register for the study please CLICK HERE.

We realize that our small group discussions can seem a bit chaotic at first. You will find that things calm down this week as the women settle into their groups. To find a small group check the small group schedule CLICK HERE.

Each week we present a summary of the lesson and group discussion questions for you to answer in your small group and in your spiritual journal. You can also post your answers here if you wish.

Week One's lesson is entitled "God's Will and Your Life." Your memory verse for the week is John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." This verse sets the stage for our study – we must experience God in order to bear "fruit" in our Christian lives. We need to join God where He is and stay connected to "the vine" by becoming more aware of where He is working around us and joining Him. Take some time to mediate on this verse. Memorize it if you can. Think about how it applies to your life and what you can do to stay connected to the vine on a daily basis.

This week we were introduced to "The Seven Realities of Experiencing God". You will see these again and again throughout the study. This week you started to meditate on them and memorize them. Hopefully, you wrote them in your spiritual journal.

The 7 Realities of Experiencing God by Henry & Richard Blackaby
(insert your name into the realities and journal this)

  1. God is always working around (your name).
  2. God pursues a continuing love relationship with (your name) that is real and personal.
  3. God invites (your name) to become involved with Him in His work.
  4. God speaks to (your name) through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the Church to reveal Himself, His purpose and His ways to (your name).
  5. God’s invitation for (your name) to work with Him always leads to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action.
  6. (your name) must make major adjustments in her life to join God in what He is doing.
  7. (your name) will come to know God by experience as she obey’s Him, and He accomplishes His work through (your name).

Read these realities and meditate on them as you complete this Bible study. A very powerful exercise you may want to do is to write the realities into your spiritual journal inserting your name into each of the realities. For example: God is always at work around (your name). God pursues a continuing love relationship with (your name) that is real and personal. Try it and see what you think! Also try writing the examples you see each day of God working around you in your life. Use this exercise to increase your awareness of God's presence in the world around you.

Flashback: 1995. Carla was a new Christian, having come to know the Lord a year earlier. She had been baptized and was excited to take her new found faith to a new level. The initial excitement of being saved had started to wear off a bit. She wanted to know "Now what, Lord?" She knew that her Christian friends talked about growing in their faith all the time. They read the Bible and met in small groups. Carla's church was offering a new Bible study called Experiencing God. She signed up hoping this might be the key to learning how to keep her faith alive, growing and exciting. She hoped this would be the key to discovering how to truly experience God in her life. It was… (continued next week)


  • Join a small group for study and fellowship. We meet in this Facebook Group. Send a request to "Join Group" and the leaders will approve you:
  • Complete Week 2 in your Experiencing God workbook.
  • Optional: Watch the Session 2 video or listen to the audio.
  • Record your thoughts in your Spiritual Journal.

Did you get started on a Spiritual Journal this week? It is a great place to record your thoughts on the lesson and your answers to the week's discussion questions. Instructions for how to set up your Spiritual Journal are on pg. 271 in your workbook.


answer in your small group or post your answers here

  1. What are you doing in your life personally and what is your church doing that you know cannot be accomplished unless God intervenes (p. 19)?
  2. What would you do if God called you into His purpose today? Would you be prepared? Would you question Him or would you drag your feet?
  3. Blackaby says "What God initiates, God completes." What has God initiated in your life?
  4. How did you see God working around you this week? Share an example.
  5. What does God want you to learn from your reading this week?

I truly hope that this study is life-changing for you as it has been for me. Exciting things happen when you are studying Experience God so hold on tight and enjoy the ride. Remember "The goal is not to finish the course but to have a life-transforming encounter with God." (pg. 10)

See you next week!


Anonymous Online Bible Study | Week 1

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 08:18 PM PDT

Anonymous online Bible study

Welcome back to our Spring Online Bible study! We just finished reading WEEK ONE in the book “Anonymous: Discovering the Somebody You Are to God,” by Cindi Wood. This week we discovered we’re never anonymous in God’s view, the One who created us. We are significant and we are loved. In the weeks ahead we’ll meet four women from the Bible who met Jesus and were defined by Him alone.

Perhaps you’re like me and there are times you wanted to be anonymous? I remember the time I was meeting my best friend Linda for lunch, and I saw a woman wearing the same “uniform” my friend wears: black sweats and solid black shirt, with blonde hair pulled back. I saw her walking in the parking lot and shouted with joy “Hey, great to see you today!” The woman looked at me and said “Do I know you?” I realized my mistaken identity (and the fact I needed a vision check) and chatted with the woman as we walked into the store. “Perhaps we meet at our kids school?” I asked, without looking her in the eye. She scanned my face for recognition and found none. As I slipped into the chair with my cup of Starbucks Green Tea, I confessed to Linda my embarrassing moment. It was a time I wanted to be anonymous!

While we are not known by a stranger on the street, or the women sitting beside us in church, we are in fact known by God. There’s no point in cleaning up before approaching Him- because He knows our story beginning to end. Hiding emotions from Him is useless; He knows our hearts. Running from Him is emotionally exhausting, and might even involve risky behavior as we prove to ourselves “we’re not worthy of His love.” Does this sound familiar?

Jesus meets us in our anonymous places, and restructures our IDENTITY.

You are not the woman shamed, judged, ordinary or hurting. Though over and over you’ll hear the enemy of your soul pound your heart with lies… he deceives you so you’ll stay distant from God. Perhaps it’s easier to wear the title “not worthy” than the Truth? Perhaps you’re more comfortable living in addiction, bitterness, hopelessness, anger, resentment, shame or hurt. Stop and think for a moment… is your IDENTITY self-focused or God-focused? Who are you a reflection of?

Wear an IDENTITY of Truth. You are His treasure and you are loved.


  • Join a small group this week
  • Read WEEK TWO in your book. You’ll read one lesson per day, each lesson is about 20 minutes.
  • Optional due to cost: AFTER you finish the reading assignment, watch video session two available from Amazon or the publisher website.
  • If you have not yet registered and would still like to join us, please CLICK HERE.
  • Join us for a FREE live event with Bible teacher Cindi Wood Tuesday April 14 at 9PM Eastern, 6PM Pacific when you CLICK HERE.


You will have the opportunity to share your answers to these questions during your small group time. You may also post them here. Consider also recording your answers in your spiritual journal.

  1. Cindi Woods says “God does not define you by your current or past struggle. He defines you by who you are in Him.” What is ONE WORD that God would use to define you? (Day 2)
  2. Cindi Woods says:  “Judged” faced approval, “Hurting” faced healing, “Ordinary” faced remarkable, and “Shame” faced forgiveness. Which of these four (approval, healing, remarkable, forgiveness) are you facing in your current season of life? (Day 3)
  3.  According to the Greek translation of Jesus’ words “I chose you” (John 15:16), we are picked out BY Him and FOR Him. What is your reaction to this news? (Day 4)
  4. What are some steps you’re willing to take to grow your relationship with Jesus Christ? (Day 4)
  5. Have you ever memorized Scripture verses? What practice helps you remember them?

With Love,

christine abraham


Author Chat with Cindi Wood

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 03:30 PM PDT

CindiWood author chat

We have exciting news for you!

You are invited to an hour-long Facebook author chat with Cindi Wood, author of our current WBC study, Anonymous!  Cindi is also known for her Frazzled Female books and ministry.  She has a passion for reaching women with the love of Jesus.  We can’t wait to spend time with her!

We hope you'll mark your calendars now so you can join in the fun!

Tuesday, April 14th at 9 p.m. Eastern (8 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Pacific)

We'll be chatting with Cindi about God's love and our significance in Him.

For those who are part of our Tuesday small group that meets during that time, this will take the place of your small group that night. You are welcome to join us for the chat and, if you like, participate in any of our other small groups that week.

You don't have to be participating in our online Bible study of Anonymous in order to be part of the Author Chat.  You just need to Like us on Facebook at: and visit that page when it's time to start chatting.  You'll see the questions as I post them and be able to join in the conversation by commenting and replying.

Please remember that this will be on the main Womens Bible Cafe Facebook page and NOT the room where our small groups meet.

To find out more about Cindi Wood, you can visit her website here: and her Facebook author page here.

We hope to have you pour a cup of tea or coffee, settle into a comfortable chair, and join us as we chat with Cindi Wood!

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