Monday, February 9, 2015

Womens Bible Cafe™

Womens Bible Cafe™

Covenant Week 4 | Online Bible Study

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 03:52 PM PST

Covenant Week 4


Welcome to online Bible study at the Womens Bible Cafe! Can you believe we are already halfway through our study? This week we are discussing Week Four, “A Walk into Death that Brings Forgiveness” from the workbook Covenant by Kay Arthur. Our weekly lessons included:

  • O, Lord God, What? How?
  • Walking Through the Pieces
  • A Walk Into Death
  • A Walk Through the Rent Veil
  • Life Through Death

I had a dream the other night. I was all alone driving my car to pick up my granddaughter on Saturday morning. All of a sudden, everything went dark, I could not see through the thick darkness, nor would my headlights work and my inside car lights would not turn on. I thought I was blind….I was lost… I could not find my way. Fear gripped me! And then I woke up. The first thought that crossed my mind when I opened my eyes was “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” The fear that paralyzed me moments before I opened my eyes immediately faded. We are powerless in the shadow of death; however, Jesus Christ overcame death through the power of His resurrection. Our walk into death leads to life with Him.  We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20).

What are you afraid of today? Spend time with God confessing your fears. He already knows what’s on your heart, but He wants to hear from you personally.


  • Join a small group and fellowship with your fellow Bible students!
  • Basic Study: Complete Week 5 in the Covenant workbook, about 20-30 minutes each day.
  • Optional due to cost: Watch Session 5 video or listen to the audio and follow along in your workbook on page 107.
  • Write a letter to God confessing _____________________. Fill in the blank. This is personal just between you and God. You can write this in the margin of your workbook or in your journal.
  • Digging Deeper: Do a word study on “the veil” (Hebrews 10:20). Locate other Scriptures on the “veil.” Use the resources at Instructions on how to use this tool is included in “Files” in the WBC Covenant chat room. Write down all that you discover about the veil. You will be so excited what you discover.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in small groups or post a comment here)

  1. Kay Arthur writes that the “God of the universe chooses us despite our frailties and then exalts Himself through those weaknesses.” Think of a time when you were at your weakest point. How did God exalt Himself through your weakness? What was the result? (Page 90)
  2. Covenant is seen as a walk into death–death to living for oneself. Is there a “walk into death” for us? If so, what does this look like in your personal life? Where would it lead?  (Page 97-102)
  3. Study the diagram on page 106. What is the significance of the veil? (Pages 100-101)
  4. What is your biggest take away from the lesson this week?

Bonus Question: If you knew that suffering went with believing on Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:29), would you still want to enter into the new covenant? Why or why not? (Page 105)


Sheree Poole

What Love Is Week 4 | Online Bible Study

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 02:32 PM PST

whatloveis week 4

Welcome back for another week of our study, What Love Is by Kelly Minter!  We’re discussing week 4 in our small groups, which covered these themes:

  • Agape love
  • Obeying God’s commands.
  • Overcoming sin.
  • Loving others.
  • Fear

People let you down sometimes.  Even well-meaning, good, godly people can disappoint you.

No one is perfect and certainly circumstances aren't always perfect.  Sometimes they conspire against us to turn life into a crazy mess of unexpected obstacles.

Truth be told, sometimes I even feel a little disappointed with God, too, because even though I know He is working out things for my good and even though I know His plans for me are best, sometimes they sure don't feel "best," "good" or "perfect."

In fact, maybe the plans I've concocted seem to make a whole lot more sense in the moment.

Sometimes I do it, too unintentionally letting my kids down.  You can try to do everything right as a mom and always be perfect and still not always get it either right or perfect.

There was the time the school invited me to be a guest reader for Read Aloud Day.  I chatted with all 3 of my daughters and we picked out the books I would read to each of their classes.

When the big day came, I read to two classes, hugged two of my daughters, and arrived at the third daughter's classroom only to find she wasn't there.

They switch classes all day long in this grade and apparently my scheduled time to read occurred when neither my daughter nor any of her classmates were actually in their own classroom.

It was a simple mistake and I really had nothing to do with it, but I ended up reading to other people's kids and not my own.

Then I tracked down my girl in the school, let her know what had happened, and went home.

At the end of the day, my oldest daughter climbed into the minivan quietly. Then, as she settled into her seat, I heard the sniffles: “You went to the wrong class."

That’s what she was crying about.  I knew the truth.  I had gone where I was supposed to go, when I was supposed to go there.

But the bottom line was the same:  "I was so disappointed.  I told all my friends you would come and what book you would read and I waited all day and you didn't even come."

I guess she misunderstood.

And the truth is that we all face disappointment.  Maybe with others who are hurtful and cruel.  Maybe with friends who simply mess up. Maybe with circumstances that go awry and wreck are best-laid plans.

Maybe even when God interrupts our life with the unexpected , we feel the disappointment.

In 1 John 4:16, we read one of my favorite promises:

So we know and rely on the love God has for us – 1 John 4:16

We can know.   Not guess and waiver, not wish for or imagine.  We can know the love God has for us.

More than that, though, we can rely on it.

He's reliable and trustworthy.  His love for us is never-failing, never-giving-up, always-and-forever, I can't do anything to mess it up love.

So, we can rest in that.  We can stretch back into the arms of Christ and relax all those tense muscles of worrying and fretting and trying to hang on for dear life to every detail of every day.

And when life shoots unexpected arrows at us or plans seem to go awry, still we rely on His love.

He will not let us down.

Circumstances will let us down.  People will disappoint us.

But God will not.

Even when we can’t see what He’s doing in the moment and even when His plans don’t make sense to us right here and now, we can go back to what we know.

He loves us.

We can rely on His love.

So, we need not fear.

P.S. One hot cup of tea, some hugs from me, and a quick email to my daughter's teacher to set up another time to read made my daughter's day much better.


Pray!  I know that sounds like the most simplistic advice you’ve ever received about Bible study.  Yet, sometimes I get caught up in the to-do list and even treat my Bible study time as just another task to get done.  I sit down and jump right in.

Before we begin to read God’s Word, though, we can pause and pray. It makes such a difference!

Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you.  We’ve been learning in What Love Is about this anointing that Jesus has given us as believers!  We have the Holy Spirit here in us to teach and counsel us, to convict and encourage us.

Sometimes God’s Word can be difficult to understand, especially John’s writings.  But asking the Holy Spirit to teach us can make the Scripture come alive!


  • Join a small group and fellowship with your fellow Bible students! We meet in this Facebook group. Send a request to "join group" and we will approve it:
  • Basic Study: Complete week 5 in the study guide, about 20-30 minutes each day.
  • Optional: To watch session 5 video CLICK HERE (optional due to cost).

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in small groups or post a comment here):

  1. Kelly wrote, “Children of God must listen to the spirit of God.”  How are you deliberately, purposefully listening to the Lord right now?  If a new Christian asked you how to “listen,” what advice would you give? (from pp. 108-109).
  2. How has knowing Jesus changed the way you make decisions?  Have you made any life-changing choices since becoming a believer where you involved Him in your decision-making?  What was that like? (from p. 115)
  3. What do you fear most in your relationship with God? (Like: that He doesn’t love you or can’t forgive you or that He’s going to punish you?) How does the truth of God’s pursuing love for you help silence your fears?  “There is no fear in love; instead perfect love drives out fear….” (1 John 4:18).  (from p. 116).
  4. Psalm 119:32 says, “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.” This week we studied the difference between burdensome, legalistic demands and God’s commands.  Have you felt weighed down by legalism before?  What’s the difference between legalism and the freedom that comes with obeying God’s commands? (from p. 121).
  5. God asks us to love some hard-to-love people at times.  How can we love others even when it’s difficult?  How does God use that experience to teach us, mature us, and draw us to Himself? (from p. 103).

In Christ,

heather signature

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