Monday, January 18, 2016

Bible Study and Book Club Updates

Bible Study and Book Club Updates

Joseph Journey to Forgiveness | Week 1

Posted: 17 Jan 2016 11:14 PM PST

Joseph Journey to Forgiveness

Welcome to our online Bible Study at the Women's Bible Cafe™.  We just finished reading WEEK ONE from the book “Joseph, the Journey to Forgiveness” by Melissa Spoelstra. It was interesting to pause in our reading on the story of Joseph and reflect longer about the key concepts.  Sibling rivalry, jealousy, competitiveness, pride, anger and hurt are some of the feelings we examined this week. On day one in the study book we finished our lesson telling God about the hurts  and pain we’re currently experiencing.

I read a few comments this week that many of you were sobbing buckets of tears the first day of your study. As we acknowledge the pain we also release feelings that clog our hearts. It’s uncomfortable in the short-run and beneficial in the long-run for our spiritual journey. Here’s my solution to those tear-filled days: Months ago I created a list of things that make me feel happy. My list includes bubble baths with candles, talking with a friend, drinking a latte, reading a book, watching a comedy… just to name a few. I carry the list inside my phone on the notes app, so it’s always with me. When I’m feeling blue I grab my list and look for an idea! This perks me up so I don’t bathe in sadness or internalize past memories of hurt. Post a comment below and let me know some of the things that make you happy too!

We can’t heal what we do not acknowledge. Many of you said that you’re taking this study to learn to forgive yourself. We’ll get there… if you  complete the daily lessons, five days a week.  This week we learned there are two sides to every story. You may have internalized your own hurt and responsibility while neglecting the bigger picture. The story of Joseph reminds us that many were at fault; a spark was ignited by strong emotions on both sides.

Melissa Spoelstra identifies two responses: “a victim mentality, seeing ourselves at the mercy of our pain, or a victor mentality, acknowledging the hurt while seeking God’s help in pursuing healing.” If your wounds are deep, please consider professional counseling for complete freedom and healing. A Bible study is educational and informative, however it’s not therapy.

I did a little crying too as I remembered some of my past mistakes and saw how I hurt others unintentionally. I learned this week to take responsibility for my actions and petitioned God with forgiveness prayer. I dumped my own victim mentality in a situation after realizing that I allowed someone the opportunity to make me feel bad about myself and my behavior. We were both at fault, just as Joseph and his brothers were not without blame. This week I realized I was carrying the full blame (and shame) and released it with prayer.

Move forward with me in the study and let’s grow together. Journal inside the pages of your study book, write prayers to God, and reflect on the lessons through your day. One week from today we will  begin discussing WEEK TWO of the lessons you studied this first week.

BIBLE STUDY TIP: Don’t worry about being a perfect Bible study girl! If you get behind, don’t quit–God is more interested in time and relationship with you than He is in a perfectly completed workbook.

Assignment For the Week

  • Make sure you subscribe to our email updates so that you receive email updates each week on Monday.
  • Select a small group day and time that fits your schedule. The small group schedule will also be pinned to the top of our private Facebook Group.  Arrive to the private Facebook group for the one hour meeting you chose to attend. Save the group to your favorites list so you can find us each week.
  • Read Week Two: Waiting to be Remembered in your study book and complete the daily lessons.
  • Optional: Watch video session one if you are using the DVD set- available at Amazon
  • Download Answers to the Video Session from our facebook group (Look under files tab in group)

 Discussion Questions – Answer in your small group or post a comment below

  1. In our study we read about favoritism and saw the impact of Joseph’s father on the brothers. What are some of the effects of favoritism in Joseph’s family, your family, or other families, or your job? Jealousy, pride, competitiveness, or something else? Let’s discuss!
  2. Melissa explains that we have a choice in the posture we take when legitimate hurt comes our way (page 21). Do you tend to take a victim mentality (see yourself at the mercy of your pain) or victor mentality (acknowledge hurt and seek healing through God)? Be honest with yourself and the Holy Spirit. We’re a no-shame zone and you will not be judged or criticized for your answer.
  3. Melissa uses the metaphor of “wild horse emotions” fueled by jealousy, anger, greed, and hurt (page 24). Have you ever struggled to contain your wild horse emotions? What worked and didn't work in that situation?
  4. Joseph had dreams and shared them with his family members. Do you think he shared the dreams to A) make them jealous, B) share a prophetic word with them, or  C) to seek discernment from them? Do you have similar spiritual dreams and do you share them or keep the details locked inside your heart?
  5. What is a key concept that you discovered this week in your study? Were you able to develop consistency and read daily, or were you playing catch-up with the reading assignments? No shame here…we want to help you stay accountable and encourage one another.

Praying for you,

christine abraham


Galatians: Free from Bondage God’s Way | Week 1

Posted: 17 Jan 2016 10:26 PM PST

Week 1 Blog photo revised

Welcome back to our online Inductive Bible Study on the book of Galatians, “Free from Bondage God’s Way” by Kay Arthur.   We just completed Week One, “Saved by Grace but in Bondage to the Law?”  Our first assignment was to read through the entire book of Galatians in one sitting.  I always find it enlightening to read the entire book in various Bible translations as well.

Paul wrote to the churches in the region of Galatia.  If you were to receive a letter like this in your mailbox, what would your initial impression be?  My first impression was ….

Paul is disappointed, possibly even frustrated, maybe even angry, with the Galatians, whom he called his “brethren.”  But because Paul referred to the Galatians as brethren, they must be Christians, and he cared enough about them to write them a letter to set them straight.

“I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.”  Galatians 1:6

The Galatians had heard Paul’s preaching, they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and they placed their faith in Him.  So what could have happened to these early Christians that caused them to turn away from Jesus Christ?

They were listening to what Paul called “a gospel contrary to what you received” (1:9), and listening to legalists who said they needed both the keys of faith and good works (the law) to be saved.  Imagine their confusion!  However, many people today are just as confused and think they have to do good works in order to be saved.

Paul said, “For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.  For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” Galatians 1:11

We know the Gospel is true because it comes straight from God and it changes lives.  We need to know God’s Word, and the only way to know it is to study it for ourselves, so we do not become confused when we hear a sermon preached that is contrary to God’s Word.  A teacher may be sincere and still be sincerely wrong.  And so my friends, that is the purpose of Inductive Bible Study.  We are going straight into God’s Word and studying it for ourselves, Word for Word, Precept upon Precept.  It may even seem a bit repetitive, but that’s how we learn, by reading, re-reading and re-reading again until the truth of God’s Word permeates into our very soul, heart and mind.

What an awesome first week of study this has been!  Aren’t you awed by all that you have observed on your own simply by observing the text for yourself?  Savor these truths, think about these truths, store these truths in your heart, talk to your Father about them, and thank Him for giving you His Holy book to study and to live by!

BIBLE STUDY TIP:  It is so exciting to discover truth for yourself!  Do not consult any outside sources until you do your homework first.  Once you have completed your weekly assignments, read what the scholars have to say in your favorite commentary.  Then you can decide if you agree based on what you have discovered in your study.


  • Join a small group and fellowship with your fellow Bible students.
  • Complete your study of Week Two, “Shackled by Your Past?”
  • Pray before you begin your study.  Ask your resident Teacher, the Holy Spirit, to open your heart to wisdom and understanding to learn His truths.
  • Do an online word study on the “Gospel” (Galatians 1:6, 8, 11) at Instructions for doing a word study are located in “Files” in the Inductive Studies chat room.
  • Store in your heart Galatians 1:8 (Week One, Day Seven).

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in small groups or post a comment here)

  1. The title of our study book on Galatians is “Free from Bondage God’s Way.” Do you sense that the Galatians were under any sort of bondage?  Do we face any of the same issues that the Galatians faced? Give examples.
  2. What does Paul mean by “this present evil age” (Galatians 1:4)? Do you have any alternative choice but to live in this present evil age?  How then are we to live?
  3. From the book of Galatians, what do you see as your own responsibility with respect to the gospel?
  4. What attitudes, actions, and habits do you have that show the world you are trying to please God and not people?


Sheree Poole